Commitment 2017. Er. 2018!
It has been quite a while since I've had the brain width to write a blog post. The purpose of this post, in fact, is to verbalize my commitment to myself, and to the 197 troll bots out there that followed my previous blog, that I will now start to write more. I've missed pouring words to paper like a drunken woman at a party pouring wine.
So, reading this blog, what can I expect?
Well, you can expect my personal take on everything, such as but not limited to (and this will be a shock) China/Chinese Business, Chinese Entertainment & Media (largely, cinema!), Comedy, and... maybe my life sprinkled in here and there. Maybe even some vids will get thrown up here.
I also have added a story section here as well for my random ramblings that may not fit the rest of the blog's modus operandi.
How frequently will you post?
As much as I can and/or feel like... The goal is at least twice a week to start.
Anyway, please subscribe and as promised, I will deliver updates on an "unannoying basis"